The royal couple will be attending a “private” bullriding show that is being put on for them at the Calgary rodeo.
Three bulls will be ridden in a pen outside the Stampede grounds. No audience, not even the wives of the bullriders, will be allowed to view this event. No cameras will be allowed so any photos or videos will be strictly controlled. We will see what they want us to see at this blatant publicity shoot, put on by Canadian Professional Rodeo Association to advertise rodeo.
If bullriding were attempted in the UK, in the style of the North American rodeo the perpetrators would be prosecuted for cruelty to animals.
Shame on you William and Catherine, who are you kidding bullriding is still rodeo!

In the main picture it can be clearly seen that the man on the left is holding an electro shocker to cause the animal pain.
Whilst such devises are against the rules of the Professional Rodeo Association, they are widely used - to ensure a 'good show'.
Do not let our royal couple be seen to condone this type of activity in our name - write your objection now, to the following address:
Their Royal Highnesses
William and Catherine
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Clarence House
...or by using this Contact Form